As mentioned earlier, the OS defines a total of 64 signals.
Their range is as follows:
Signal range | Description |
1 ... 56 | 56 POSIX signals (including traditional UNIX signals) |
41 ... 56 | 16 POSIX realtime signals (SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX) |
57 ... 64 | Eight special-purpose QNX Neutrino signals |
The eight special signals cannot be ignored or caught. An attempt to call the signal() or sigaction() functions or the SignalAction() kernel call to change them will fail with an error of EINVAL.
In addition, these signals are always blocked and have signal queuing enabled. An attempt to unblock these signals via the sigprocmask() function or SignalProcmask() kernel call will be quietly ignored.
A regular signal can be programmed to this behavior using the following standard signal calls. The special signals save the programmer from writing this code and protect the signal from accidental changes to this behavior.
sigset_t *set; struct sigaction action; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, signo); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(signo, &action, NULL);
This configuration makes these signals suitable for synchronous notification using the sigwaitinfo() function or SignalWaitinfo() kernel call. The following code will block until the eighth special signal is received:
sigset_t *set; siginfo_t info; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGRTMAX + 8); sigwaitinfo(&set, &info); printf("Received signal %d with code %d and value %d\n", info.si_signo, info.si_code, info.si_value.sival_int);
Since the signals are always blocked, the program cannot be interrupted or killed if the special signal is delivered outside of the sigwaitinfo() function. Since signal queuing is always enabled, signals won't be lost—they'll be queued for the next sigwaitinfo() call.
These signals were designed to solve a common IPC requirement where a server wishes to notify a client that it has information available for the client. The server will use the MsgDeliverEvent() call to notify the client. There are two reasonable choices for the event within the notification: pulses or signals.
A pulse is the preferred method for a client that may also be a server to other clients. In this case, the client will have created a channel for receiving messages and can also receive the pulse.
This won't be true for most simple clients. In order to receive a pulse, a simple client would be forced to create a channel for this express purpose. A signal can be used in place of a pulse if the signal is configured to be synchronous (i.e., the signal is blocked) and queued—this is exactly how the special signals are configured. The client would replace the MsgReceive() call used to wait for a pulse on a channel with a simple sigwaitinfo() call to wait for the signal.
The eight special signals include named signals for special purposes: