
Examine or specify the action associated with a signal


#include <signal.h>

int sigaction( int sig,
               const struct sigaction * act,
               struct sigaction * oact );


The signal number (defined in <signal.h>). For more information, see POSIX and QNX Neutrino signals in the documentation for SignalAction().

If the signal terminates a process, the cleanup of the terminated process occurs by default at the priority of the thread that sent the signal. As a QNX Neutrino extension, if you OR the SIG_TERMER_NOINHERIT flag (defined in <signal.h>) into sig, the cleanup occurs at the priority of the thread that received the signal.

NULL, or a pointer to a sigaction structure that specifies how you want to modify the action for the given signal.
NULL, or a pointer to a sigaction structure that the function fills with information about the current action for the signal.



Use the -l c option to qcc to link against this library. This library is usually included automatically.


You can use sigaction() to examine or specify (or both) the action that's associated with a specific signal:

Signal handlers and actions are defined for the process and affect all threads in the process. For example, if one thread ignores a signal, then all threads ignore the signal.

You can target a signal at a thread, process, or process group (see SignalKill()). When targeted at a process, at most one thread receives the signal. This thread must have the signal unblocked (see SignalProcmask()) to be a candidate for receiving it. All synchronously generated signals (e.g., SIGSEGV) are always delivered to the thread that caused them.

  • If you use longjmp() to return from a signal handler, the signal remains masked. You can use siglongjmp() to restore the mask to the state saved by a previous call to sigsetjmp().
  • It isn't safe to use floating-point operations in signal handlers.


An error occurred (errno is set).


Insufficient system resources are available to set up the signal's action.
A fault occurred trying to access the buffers provided.
The signal sig isn't valid.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main( void )
    void handler(int);
    sigset_t set;
    struct sigaction act = {
      .sa_flags = 0;
      .sa_mask = set,
      .sa_handler = &handler,

    sigemptyset( &set );
    sigaddset( &set, SIGUSR1 );
    sigaddset( &set, SIGUSR2 );

     * Define a handler for SIGUSR1 such that when
     * entered both SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are masked.
    sigaction( SIGUSR1, &act, NULL );

    kill( getpid(), SIGUSR1 );

    /* Program will terminate with a SIGUSR2 */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void handler( int signo )
    static int first = 1;

    if( first ) {
      first = 0;
      kill( getpid(), SIGUSR1 );  /* Prove signal masked */
      kill( getpid(), SIGUSR2 );  /* Prove signal masked */

 * - SIGUSR1 is set from main(), handler() is called.
 * - SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are set from handler().
 * - however, signals are masked until we return to main().
 * - returning to main() unmasks SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.
 * - pending SIGUSR1 now occurs, handler() is called.
 * - pending SIGUSR2 now occurs. Since we don't have
 *   a handler for SIGUSR2, we are killed.


POSIX 1003.1

Cancellation point No
Interrupt handler No
Signal handler Yes
Thread Yes