Code Coverage

The Code Coverage tool provides information about which lines of code have been executed. This tool is useful during testing because it tells you whether the code coverage of your test plan is acceptable.

How to configure Code Coverage

You can enable code coverage either by selecting the Coverage mode in the launch bar or by selecting the Run mode, accessing the Tools tab in the launch configuration, then clicking the Coverage radio button. These actions make the code coverage fields visible, allowing you to define these settings:
Code Coverage data format
The version of gcc code coverage (gcov) metrics to collect.
You must select a metrics version based on the SDK you're using to build your program. You can switch between SDKs to build your program using a different SDP installation. For the GCC version supported by a specific SDP release, see the QNX SDP Release Notes.
Code Coverage data scan interval
The polling interval, in seconds, used by the IDE to request coverage data from the qconn target agent. Frequent polling creates constant network traffic, so you should avoid small values. Usually, the default value of 5 seconds is sufficient.
Comments for this coverage session
Your notes about the session, for your own use. These comments appear at the top of generated reports.
Directory (on target) for temporary coverage data
The target location for writing the code coverage data files. Any binary with code coverage instrumentation outputs a .gcda file for each source file in the program. By default, this field names the directory that the executable binary is uploaded to.
The default upload directory is /tmp but you can override this setting in the Upload tab of the launch configuration. Usually, /tmp is linked to /dev/shmem so it's writable but temporary, meaning the data files will be gone if the target is rebooted. Note that if the directory is not writable, no files are written.
You can click Browse to select a target directory from a file selector.
Clean old data on the target (if it exists)
When the box is checked (as by default), the IDE deletes data files that were generated from previous coverage sessions and are stored in the current data directory. If you uncheck this box, the IDE reads these data files when you launch the application and displays the statistics stored in those files in a new coverage session. Then, the displayed statistics are updated to reflect any additional coverage based on the program's latest activity.
Collect data for
This panel lets you select which source files generate code coverage data. The All sources compiled with code coverage box is checked by default, which means all source files generate data (assuming they're compiled for code coverage).
If you want to see line coverage data for only some files in the program, uncheck this box and click Select. This action opens a popup window that lets you pick the files for which you want to see data.
The Advanced button opens the Remote data collection parameters window, which lets you select the signal that the IDE sends to qconn when requesting coverage data (the default is SIGUSR2). You can choose Disable dynamic collection from the dropdown to disable this requesting. There's also a checkbox for suspending the application threads when coverage data is being flushed. By default, this setting is enabled.

How the tool works

When you build a binary with code coverage instrumentation, the compiler inserts code that counts, at run time, each execution of a basic block. Execution of individual lines is not counted because the required instrumentation would adversely affect both the size and execution time of the binary. The basic block counts are gcov metrics and are sent by the binary to the qconn agent.

In this release, the IDE also uses the branch coverage metrics collected by gcov. These metrics include the number of times a branch was executed (which is really how many times the branch condition was evaluated), and the number of times each branch was taken. This second metric is quite helpful for ensuring that your tests cover every branch, which is essential for complicated programs.

When you launch an application with the Code Coverage tool enabled, the tool requests coverage data from qconn at regular intervals, as defined in the launch configuration. The IDE uses the block count data that it receives to calculate the line coverage for the program. To map code blocks to specific lines, the Code Coverage tool needs the notes (.gcno) files generated when the binary was built. Then, the IDE visually presents the line coverage data in a new code coverage session.

Note: An instrumented binary always writes the block execution counts to gcov data (.gcda) files, even if Code Coverage is disabled when you launch the application. Because the tool can read these files, you can import coverage data generated outside of the IDE at any time.

How Code Coverage results are presented

When you launch an application in Coverage mode, the IDE switches to the QNX Analysis perspective and in the Analysis Sessions view, displays a new session containing the coverage data for the running program. The session header contains the code coverage session icon (Icon: Code coverage session), the binary name, a session number (which gets incremented each time a program is run with any analysis tool that displays its results in this perspective), and finally, a timestamp showing the launch time.

The session contents show the program components, from the application binary to the source files to the functions. Next to each component, the percentage of lines executed is shown in square brackets:

Image of Analysis Sessions view showing an expanded Code Coverage session, with code coverage percentages listed next to each program component.
Note: In this IDE version, the latest session is displayed at the top of the view, not at the bottom like in previous versions.

Each code coverage session also has a Logs container that lists an XML-based log file (session.gcs), which stores details such as the session name, number, and start time.

If you double-click a source file or function within a session, the IDE opens the corresponding file in the editor and displays the following markers in the left margin to show line-by-line coverage:
  • — the line was fully executed
  • — the line was partially executed; if you hover the pointer over one of these markers, the IDE shows what percentage of the line was executed
  • — the line was not executed
The right margin displays color bars to indicate line coverage. Because the right margin does not scroll with the rest of the file display, you can use these color bars to quickly locate areas of the file with partial coverage or no coverage (by aligning the scrollbar with the yellow or red bars).
Note: If there's a problem with the coverage data, the IDE might display a warning or error, depending on the code coverage preferences.
Branch coverage is shown when you hover the cursor over a line with branches in the editor. In this release, the IDE shows only branches taken and not branches executed, but this first metric is the important one. For branch numbering, the lowest number is usually the leftmost or topmost branch.

Image of editor with code coverage annotations and hover text with branch coverage information for current line.

A branch is any programming element that causes the code to not continue executing in a linear way. In addition to the obvious C/C++ branching constructs of if, else, for, while, and switch, the && and || operators introduce their own branches, and there may be others created by calls to inline functions or compiler optimizations.

When you click the application binary in a session, the measurements for the entire program—total block coverage and total line coverage—are listed in the Properties view, which is shown in the lower left corner. When you click a file, the view shows the cumulative coverage for all of its functions:

Image of Properties view when a source file is selected in a coverage session

You can view the data from any previous session by expanding it and examining the coverage percentages for its files and functions. If you don't see these components listed when you first expand a session, right-click it and choose Open.

How to set report properties

When you select the menu option to export a code coverage session, the IDE displays the Save Coverage Report window so you can set properties for the generated report:
Save to directory
The directory the report is written to. The IDE pre-populates this field with the following default path: project_dir/project_name___GCC_Code_Coverage_.
Root filename
The HTML file that provides a summary page for the report. This file is stored in the directory named in the previous field, and contains line coverage measurements for the program, each source file, and each function.
Include source files in report
You can check this box to make the IDE include the source code in the report. In this case, the summary page contains links to the result pages for individual source files and functions.
Include branch coverage in report
You can check this box to make the IDE include branch coverage details in the report.
Color code results
When this box is checked, you can enter threshold values in the text boxes below to visually distinguish between high, medium, and low code coverage in the results. Threshold values let you classify coverage based on the exact percentage of lines executed, instead of the standard metrics of full, partial, and no coverage. Note that the value for high coverage that you enter must be greater than that for medium coverage.
By default, the Color code results box is unchecked and so the standard metrics are used.
Open browser on export
When enabled, the IDE opens the preferred browser and displays the report as soon as the report is generated. You can set the preferred browser through Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser, in the External web browsers list.

How to read reports

The IDE writes the report as a set of dynamic HTML files. The main output directory stores the HTML root file and the supporting CSS, JavaScript, and icon image files. In a subdirectory named after the project, additional HTML files store the coverage results for source files and functions.

Then, the IDE opens the root file in the default web browser (which you can set in Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser). The root file provides a summary of the results. The table at the top shows measurements for the entire program, including the percentage of total code coverage, the number of lines fully, partially, and not covered, and the total number of lines. The bottom table shows the same measurements for each source file. You can expand a row entry (by clicking the arrowhead next to the filename) to see these measurements for each function in that source file:

If you enabled the Include source files in report setting, the file and function names in the bottom table are also links to the subdirectory files that contain line-by-line coverage information. The report displays this information in the same way as the IDE does in an editor when you double-click a source file or function in a coverage session. You can see coverage markers in the left margin and background coloring that indicates if a line was fully, partially, or not executed:


When you open a source file, there's a field, Source View, shown just above the code. This field lets you toggle between seeing all of the source code lines or only the uncovered lines. Clicking the latter setting lets you quickly see the areas of code missed by your test program. The Source View field isn't shown for functions; when you click a link to a function, you see only its code (with the coverage markup).

You can also add coverage data from included files to the report, by setting the right code coverage preference. When this preference is specified, the summary page has entries for functions in included files (in addition to those functions in the project source files).

If you leave the Include source files in report property at its default disabled setting, the IDE still generates HTML files containing the source code and line-by-line markup for files but not functions. You can access these HTML files in the subdirectory named after the project; there just aren't any links to them in the summary page.

If you use default report settings (meaning Color code results is unselected), each coverage bar in a table row is colored dark blue and the row cells are colored white. If you enable color coding and define threshold values for different coverage levels, the coverage bar is colored green, yellow, or red based on whether the component had high, medium, or low coverage, and the row cells are colored similarly:

Screenshot of HTML content of code coverage report, which shows coverage measurements in tables.
Note: The Color code results setting affects only the presentation of the table data; the line-by-line display always uses green, yellow, or red markers and line coloring to indicate coverage.

How to set Code Coverage preferences

The Code Coverage preference fields are accessed through Window > Preferences > QNX > Code Coverage. In the dialog that appears, you can define these Warnings/Errors Display settings:
Ask to show coverage markup for files modified after the session finished
By default, the IDE informs you when the source file you're opening in a coverage session was modified after the session finished. If the file was modified, the coverage markup will likely not match the code in some places because the coverage data is mapped to the line numbers in the code that ran during the session.
If you uncheck this box, the IDE opens any file without advising you if it's changed and hence, the coverage markup might not be accurate.
You can also define these Report Generation settings:
Show code coverage information from included files
By default, code coverage reports don't contain coverage data from included files. You can check this box to add that data to the reports.
Show branch coverage information
This setting determines whether the IDE includes branch coverage information in reports by default. Specifically, it controls whether Include branch coverage in report is already checked in the dialog that opens when you select the export option for a coverage session.