Integrated tools

The IDE works with the GNU Debugger (GDB) and many runtime analysis tools that find memory errors. It can display kernel event trace data (through the System Profiler) and target state information (through System Information). It also works with the Application Profiler, which reports function runtimes.

System Information, GDB, and the System Profiler are helpful in all debugging use cases—improper program results, process hanging, and process crashing. The last two tools can be used concurrently with the memory-analyzing and profiling tools, which find more specific problems.

The following runtime analysis tools are useful for debugging improper program results and crashes:
  • Memory Analysis
  • Valgrind Helgrind
  • Valgrind Memcheck

To detect the cause of a process hanging, the Application Profiler and System Information are helpful.

Note: Code Coverage isn't primarily used for debugging or optimization—its purpose is to measure the effectiveness of unit tests. Valgrind Cachegrind also isn't intended for debugging but instead helps you improve performance by optimizing cache usage.
Table 1. IDE tool support for debugging use cases
Tool Debugging capabilities Use cases Advantages Drawbacks
Application Profiler When run in sampling mode, takes snapshots of a program's execution position (i.e., the current address being executed) at regular intervals. The execution positions provide a summary of where in the code the program is spending most of its time. Process hanging
  • tells you the threads in which the program is likely getting stuck without requiring you to step through the code
  • sampling mode has low overhead, so the data aren't biased towards particular functions (e.g., short or frequently called functions)
  • limited information revealed; the sampling data tell you on average how often certain threads run, but nothing about their interaction or memory usage
  • inaccurate over short time intervals, because the sampling size is small

Lets you step through the code to see which paths are followed, how variable values change over time, and whether certain lines of code are reached.

You can also debug core files, to see what a program was doing when it crashed.

Improper program results

Process hanging

Process crashing

  • gives a “white box” view of the program's state as it runs so you can determine the exact code changes needed to fix any problems
  • works well with other tools because it stops execution when a crash occurs, which lets you run another tool
  • by loading a core file, you can work backwards from a crash to determine its cause, without tracing the program's entire execution
  • requires you to have a good idea about which areas of code are causing problems (except when debugging a core file)
  • starting and stopping execution in the debugger changes thread timing, making some situations hard to reproduce
  • core files show the crash symptoms but don't always reveal their cause (e.g., fatal errors can happen long after a bad memory allocation)
Memory Analysis Tracks allocation and deallocation operations and provides data to the IDE so it can report memory leaks and other common errors such as buffer overruns.

Improper program results

Process crashing

  • doesn't require recompiling the program and is easily configured in the launch configuration
  • has much less overhead than other tools (i.e., only a 30% increase in memory usage and a performance cost of 3 to 5%)
  • finds relatively few errors; for instance, a source pointer containing a bad address passed to memcpy() is reported as an error, but uninitialized memory isn't
System Information This IDE perspective provides memory, CPU, and resource usage data about the processes on a target. It also displays thread states, so you can see if a process is hanging because one of its threads is blocked or busy. Process hanging
  • quick and easy to use; doesn't require any launch configuration or build support, and you can switch to this perspective and see the target information at any time
  • tells you which threads are blocked or busy (and possibly causing a process to hang) but not why
System Profiler Displays event data generated by the instrumented kernel running on a target. These data include process- and thread-level metrics on CPU consumption, execution times, and the number of messages sent, which gives you an idea of the event sequence behind a program failure.

Improper program results

Process hanging

Process crashing

  • lets you find problems related to the interaction of many threads or processes, by providing data about message passing and other IPC mechanisms used
  • CPU statistics can quickly tell you when a particular thread began monopolizing a CPU, which is often the cause of a process hanging
  • can be used concurrently with other analysis tools, because you can start a kernel event trace no matter which processes and tools are running
  • less precise way of debugging—it's better to debug a core file or trace the program's execution with GDB to find where in the code a problem occurs
  • even short kernel event traces that last only a few seconds produce a lot of data, making it hard to find insightful information; determining how to best filter the data can be complex
Valgrind Helgrind Finds thread synchronization problems in programs that use pthreads, by detecting memory locations accessed by more than one thread but without proper locking or synchronization.

Improper program results

Process crashing

  • detects multiple classes of synchronization problems: POSIX API misuses, lock ordering problems that can cause deadlock, and data races; this helps you not only fix hard-to-find timing bugs but also improve program design
  • performance can be very poor; slowdowns up to 100 times aren't unusual
  • in the present version, for lock order errors, the tool prints only 2 cycles instead of the complete lock cycle
Valgrind Massif Takes regular heap snapshots and outputs data describing heap usage over time and where most memory is being allocated. These data let you see which functions use too much memory as well as the heap contents any time the program crashed.

Improper program results

Process crashing

  • helps you find both design and implementation bugs, by highlighting memory gluttons as well as leaks
  • sends session data to IDE only upon program termination, so you can't monitor heap consumption in real time
  • imposes significant overhead on programs, making them run about 20 times slower than usual
Valgrind Memcheck Detects memory management problems by checking all reads and writes of memory. This tool finds memory leaks, bad frees, overlapping blocks in source and destination pointers, use of uninitialized values, and accesses to improper memory regions.

Improper program results

Process crashing

  • very precise; can detect invalid memory accesses at the byte level and uses of uninitialized memory at the bit level
  • informative; reports errors as soon as they're detected, giving the source line numbers at which they occurred and a backtrace of the current position
  • significant performance impact; instrumented programs run at one tenth normal speed (or slower) and use two to three times more memory
  • can't detect some out-of-bounds memory accesses (e.g., if the first access to an array is beyond the last element)