If I boot a system using a newly generated policy, why are some rules unused?
Because the rules generated by secpolgenerate represent all the
capabilities needed, if you run the system with the policy it generates, you should see no
unused rules. Why isn't this always the case?
There shouldn't be many unused rules, but actions used during rule generation, such as
preloading libsecpol-preload.so.1, can result in channel connections
that would otherwise not occur.
Why are errors reported when nothing fails?
In some cases, secpolgenerate reports errors in
/dev/secpolgenerate/errors that don't correspond to any failure on
the system. These are an artifact of how procnto uses the
setuid, setgid, prot_exec, and priority abilities. Some
of these might be partially resolved by secpolgenerate, others might
require procnto changes.
- setuid: A process can change its effective user ID to its real user ID, saved
set user ID, or any user ID granted by the setuid ability. However, if the
change is made using the setuid() function, a check is made for the
setuid ability even if the call will succeed without it. This behavior can
lead to erroneous error reports and possibly the inclusion of a rule to allow
setuid during rule generation. As of QNX Neutrino
this no longer occurs if setreuid() is used instead of
setuid(). It's not possible to fix setuid() as
the behavior is required to allow for proper POSIX behavior.
- setgid: The setgid ability has an issue that is similar to
- prot_exec: A process that lacks the prot_exec ability shows a failed
ability check if it creates another thread. However, the failed check is harmless.