Write a timestamp to indicate when an event or action occurred
timestamp [[-f] path_file [-s] string_name]
QNX Neutrino
This utility allows you to indicate the number of clock systems since the board was reset and associate a string with it. The string typically represents an event or action on the system, such as when a driver or program is started. Typically, you use this utility to perform measurements, which are useful to optimize boot times and to identify the time it takes for components to boot.
On some boards, the time reported by the timestamp utility correlates very closely with the time elapsed since power was actually applied to the board (i.e., a board reset was done either in software or by pressing the reset button). This is the most desirable implementation. In some cases, however, the time reported by the timestamp utility could represent the time since the IPL started, or even the time since the startup driver started. This situation results in measurements that are much smaller than would be observed using a stopwatch from power on. These measurements are obviously less accurate, but can still be useful in comparing one software build to another.
The particular measurements you get depend on whether:
The /dev/shmem/timestamp.log file looks like this—the strings you see are application specific, which means there may be system-defined ones:
TIMESTAMP: (IFS SCRIPT START) at 0.484901 seconds TIMESTAMP: (LaunchingAPP) at 0.629556 seconds TIMESTAMP: (DoneLoadingScreen) at 0.661630 seconds TIMESTAMP: (DoneLoadingAPP) at 1.837985 seconds
if /proc/boot/waitfor /dev/screen 10; then /proc/boot/timestamp -f /dev/shmem/mytimestamp.log "STARTING SCREEN" &
if /proc/boot/waitfor /dev/screen 10; then /proc/boot/timestamp -s "STARTING SCREEN" &