
Display information about human-interface devices

  • You must be root to run this utility.
  • You must start io-hid before you use the hidview utility.


hidview [-aA] [-d devno] [-N name] [-r] [-R] 

Runs on:

QNX Neutrino


Display raw data coming from devices, but allow other HID clients to receive data as well.
Display raw data coming from devices.
-d devno
Display information about devno only.
-N name
Name of the HID server to query. The default is /dev/io-hid/io-hid.
Display informative report descriptor information.
Display raw report descriptor information.


The hidview utility displays information about human-interface devices (HID).


Here's a sample of output from a hidview command:

HIDD v1.00, v1.00 DDK

Device Address : 0
Vendor : 0x05c7 (QTRONIX)
Product : 0x2011 (USB Keyboard and Mouse)
Version : r1.00
Usage : Keyboard

Device Address : 1
Vendor : 0x05c7 (QTRONIX)
Product : 0x2011 (USB Keyboard and Mouse)
Version : r1.00
Usage : Mouse