Database routines

The database routines listed below have been modified to better suit embedded systems.

You can use configuration strings (via the confstr() function) to override the data usually contained in the /etc/resolv.conf file. You can also use the RESCONF environment variable to do this. Either method lets you use a nameserver without /etc/resolv.conf. This affects gethostbyname() and other resolver routines.
The getprotobyname() and getprotobynumber() functions have been modified to contain a small number of builtin protocols, including IP, ICNP, UDP, and TCP. For many applications, this means that the /etc/protocols file doesn't need to exist.
The getservbyname() function has been modified to contain a small number of builtin services, including ftp, telnet, smtp, domain, nntp, netbios-ns, netbios-ssn, sunrpc, and nfsd. For many applications, this means that the /etc/services file doesn't need to exist.