
Description of a guest resource


#include <qvm/types.h>
struct gasp_region {
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t cookie;
    vdev_t* vdev;
    uint64_t host_location;
    struct qvm_state_block guest;
} ;


uint32_t flags

A bitset of values from gasp_region_flags.

uint32_t cookie

Cookie that is passed back to the vdev vread and vwrite routines.

vdev_t* vdev

Only used if one or more of GRF_VIRT_* flags is set, value passed back in the vdev callbacks.

uint64_t host_location

Where the region should map to on the host system.

struct qvm_state_block guest

Where the region should appear in the guest system.


Provided by qvm; no external library is required.