Below are instructions for shutting down a QNX hypervisor.
The following methods can be used to shut down a QNX hypervisor:
- If the QHS or other QNX hypervisor encounters an undefined state, it will move
to its Design Safe State (see Design Safe States
in the QHX Hypervisor for Safety chapter).
- The QHS is a QOS with virtualization extensions; other QNX hypervisors are QNX
Neutrino OSs with virtualization extensions. Thus, all the mechanisms available
for shutting down or rebooting a QOS or a QNX Neutrino OS (e.g., slay -s
SIGTERM qvm) are available to the QHS and other QNX hypervisors.
These mechanisms are available to applications running in the hypervisor host
domain, but not to guests or their applications.
For instructions on how to shut down hypervisor guests, see Shutting down guests.