VM configuration syntax

A VM configuration file is a human-readable, plain-text file.

When you start a qvm process to create a VM and run a guest, the qvm process reads the configuration information to the end to know how to assemble and configure the VM.

General rules

General rules are:

Rules for options

The rules for options are:

Rules for arguments

An argument must:


When the qvm process reads through its configuration file (from top to bottom) to assemble the components of the VM it is creating, everything that follows an option that establishes a context is in this option's context. All further options apply to this option, until either a new option that establishes a context is encountered, or the end of file is reached.

For example, in the following snippet each sched option applies to the preceding cpu option:

    sched 8 ram 32m
    sched 6

Since cpu establishes a context, the context changes each time this option is encountered; what follows each cpu entry will either apply to that option, or create a new context.

If an option is repeated in a context, the qvm process uses the last instance of the option in that context. For example:

cpu sched 8 cpu sched 6

creates one vCPU with scheduling priority 8, and one vCPU with scheduling priority 6. However, the following:

cpu sched 8 sched 6 cpu

creates one vCPU with scheduling priority 6 (sched 8 is discarded), and one vCPU with the default scheduling priority (i.e., the scheduling priority at which the qvm process instance was started).

The order of the different options that follow the cpu option isn't significant, though. For example:

cpu sched 8 ram 32m

is equivalent to:

cpu ram 32m sched 8
Note: The line breaks are to improve human readability and are ignored by the qvm process when it parses the configuration file.


There are some exceptions to the above rule that option sequence isn't important. These exceptions apply to the following components:

If the system option is specified, it must be the first entry in a qvm configuration (see system in the VM Configuration Reference chapter).

Memory must be allocated before any option specifying a component that will use the memory: the ram and rom options must be specified before any options that refer to the guest memory. For example:

ram 32m
load /qnx7.ifs

is valid because the ram 32m has allocated 32 MB, into which the qvm process can load the IFS file. However, the following will fail:

load /qnx7.ifs
ram 32m

because no memory has been allocated, so the qvm process has nowhere to load the IFS file.

Same as ram. Must be specified before any option refers to it.
PIC vdevs

vdevs for Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PICs) must be specified before any other vdevs that reference them. For example:

vdev ioapic
        loc 0xf8000000
        intr apic
        name myioapic
vdev ser8250
	intr myioapic:4

is valid because vdev ioapic is specified before vdev ser8250, which references it. However, the following will fail:

vdev ser8250
	intr myioapic:4
vdev ioapic
        loc 0xf8000000
        intr apic
        name myioapicr

because vdev ser8250 references vdev ioapic before this vdev has been specified.

Note: You should always name your system, then allocate RAM and ROM right at the beginning of your qvm configuration.

Textual substitutions

As it reads through its configuration information, a qvm process instance performs textual substitutions when it encounters the following character sequences:

Replace the text string with the value of the envvar environment variable.
Replace the text string with the start address of the system page asinfo entry specified by asinfo_name.
Replace the text string with the length of the system page asinfo entry specified by asinfo_name.

You can use this textual substitution to make your configuration more robust. For example, you can pass a region of memory to the guest without specifying the host address for the memory in the VM configuration, as follows:

  1. Have the startup for the hypervisor host allocate the memory and record its location with a system page asinfo entry (e.g., guestmem1).
  2. Use textual substitution to place the information from the system page asinfo entry called guestmem1 into the qvm configuration:

    pass loc 0x10000000,$asinfo_length{guestmem1},rw=$asinfo_start{guestmem1}

With this configuration, no matter where the reserved memory actually ends up in the host, the configuration will work.

Similarly, you can use $env to put parameters in a configuration file. For example, with the following in a qvm configuration file (e.g., myconfig.qvmconf):

vdev ser8250 hostdev $env{HOST_DEV}

you could then set the vdev ser8250 hostdev option to whatever value you enter for HOST_DEV, then start the qvm process instance, as follows:

export HOST_DEV=/dev/ser3
qvm @myconfig.qvmconf

Note that when using $asinfo_start, pass the leaf name only, and not the full path. For example, the following is incorrect:

	loc 0x10000000,$asinfo_length{guestmem1},rw=$asinfo_start{/foo/guestmem1}

but the following is correct:

	loc 0x10000000,$asinfo_length{guestmem1},rw=$asinfo_start{guestmem1}

For more information about the system page asinfo data structure array, see the “System Page ” chapter in Building Embedded Systems.

About notation

The default notations (no prefix needed) for specifying memory addresses and sizes are:

If you prefer to write a memory address or region size with a notation other than the default, you can use a prefix to specify the notation:

You can use size multipliers: “K”, “M”, “G” (or “k”, “m”, “g”) in the address and length arguments; for example: 4K,1k is equivalent to 0x1000,0x400. (Remember: the size multipliers are decimal multipliers, so 4K is 4 x 1024 = 4096, or 0x1000.)

  • Other numeric configuration values are specified in decimal.
  • We recommend that, to avoid confusion, when using hexadecimal values you specify the prefix.