Configuring an HHBSP build

Before you can build your hypervisor system in an HHBSP, you must specify your target board and the locations of your host and guest BSPs.

The instructions below are for setting variables needed specifically for building a hypervisor host. They assume that you have already sourced the environment variables for your QNX SDP 7.0.4+ or QOS 2.1 work environment (sourced

To configure a build for a hypervisor host, you must:

Setting the BOARD_* build variables

In its images/ directory, the HHBSP includes the configuration file. You can use this file to specify values for the make variables used by your build. If you use the QNX Momentics IDE, you can open this file and modify it. You can also use the command line to set the variables.

If you are are using the command line, you can set environment variables with the same names as the variables in If you set an environment variable in this manner, its value persists and overrides the value for the corresponding make variable specified in

Note the following about using the BOARD_* variables:



  • The values specified for the variables in the configuration file are used only by the make process when it builds. They don't persist in your environment.
  • The values for environment variables that you specify through the command line persist in your environment, and override the values specified in the configuration file.

Specify the board

If you are working in the HHBSP framework, the only variable you need to specify (other than those you set when you set your QNX SDP 7.0 or QOS 2.1 work environment) is BOARD_SPECIFIC_BSP_TYPE. You can set this variable as a make variable in, or as an environment variable via the command line. Set it to one of the following values:

Board BSP type Notes
Intel Gordon Ridge MRB 0 QNX Hypervisor 2.0 only (deprecated)
Renesas R-Car H3 1  
Intel Broadwell NUC 5i5 2 QNX Hypervisor 2.0 only (deprecated)
Any other compatible x86 board 3  
Any other compatible ARM board 4  
For future use 5  
For future use 6  
Intel Supermicro Denverton x86 7

For example, if you are working with Renesas R-Car H3 board, you can edit the configuration file, or use the command line to set the BOARD_SPECIFIC_BSP_TYPE variable before you build, as follows:


Since you are not likely to change boards very often, it may be convenient to set this variable in the configuration file.

You must specify the BSP type; there is no default value, either in the command line or the configuration file.

If you are using default locations in the HHBSP, you don't need to set any other variables.

Specify the component locations

If you aren't using the default locations in the HHBSP framework, you must set the BOARD_SPECIFIC_BSP_LOCATION variable to the relative or absolute path to the location of your board-specific BSP. For example, if you have put your board-specific BSP into ~/qos21/bsp/mybsp/, point to that location:

# export BOARD_SPECIFIC_BSP_LOCATION=~/qos21/bsp/mybsp

The default location is ./images/host_bsp/.

  • The relative path in the example above assumes that you are in the directory with the file.
  • The example is for a Linux development host. If you are working on a Windows development host, substitute an appropriate Windows path.