QNX Technical Articles
QNX® SDK for Apps and Media 1.0—Multimedia Codec for WMA9: Installation Note
Electronic edition published: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
- QNX Software Development Platform 6.6
- QNX SDK for Apps and Media 1.0
Host OS: You can install this package on one of the following development hosts:
- Microsoft Windows 8 Professional 64-bit, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, or XP Professional SP3
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 64-bit or Ubuntu Workstation LTS 12.04 32- and 64-bit
Installing the archive
To install this archive:
- Log in to your myQNX account on our website, then go to the Download area.
- Download the archive wma9-datestamp.zip.
- Verify that the checksum of the package matches the one given in the Download area.
- Unzip the archive into base_directory, the directory where you installed the
QNX SDK for Apps and Media.
- On Linux:
unzip wma9-datestamp.zip -d base_directory
- On Windows, use winzip.
- On Linux:
Including extra packages in the buildfile
After installing the wma9-datestamp.zip archive, follow these instructions to include the archive's extra packages in the appsmedia-sample-common.build file so that they'll be in your target image:
- On your host, go to the extracted_BSP_root/src/hardware/support/appsmedia-sample directory.
- In the appsmedia-sample-common.build file, locate the Files section.
- Add the following lines anywhere within the Files section. We recommend adding a comment above
the list to identify the files:
#WMA9 /lib/dll/mmedia/asf_parser.so=dll/mmedia/asf_parser.so /lib/dll/mmedia/wma9_decoder.so=dll/mmedia/wma9_decoder.so
Note that the path on the left side of the = is the location on the target; the path on the right side of the = is the location on the host.
- The current working directory, if the filename contains a slash (/) but doesn't start with a slash.
- ${QNX_TARGET}/${PROCESSOR}/usr/sbin
- ${QNX_TARGET}/${PROCESSOR}/boot/sys
- ${QNX_TARGET}/${PROCESSOR}/usr/bin
- ${QNX_TARGET}/${PROCESSOR}/lib/dll
- ${QNX_TARGET}/${PROCESSOR}/usr/lib