QNX Technical Articles
QNX® CAR™ Interface for Apple iPod 2.0 RR: Installation Note
Electronic edition published: Thursday, January 3, 2013
Host OS: You can install this package on a:
- Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32- and 64-bit or XP Professional SP3
- Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Desktop 32- and 64-bit, or Ubuntu Workstation 12.10 32- and 64-bit
on which you've already installed the QNX CAR platform 2.0 RR.
Installing the archive
To install this archive, do the following:
- Log into your myQNX account on our website, and then go to the Download area.
- Download the archive ipod.zip.
- Verify that the checksum of the package matches the one given in the Download area.
- Unzip the archive into base_directory, the directory where you installed
the QNX CAR platform.
You'll need the password for the archive, which you should have received separately.
- On Linux systems such as Ubuntu:
sudo unzip ipod.zip base_directory
- On other Linux systems:
unzip ipod.zip base_directory
- On Windows, use winzip.
- On Linux systems such as Ubuntu:
- To include the extra files in your package, edit the svn_external_repository/target/boards/platform.external/profile.xml file, search for EXTRA PACKAGE FILESETS, and then uncomment the line corresponding to the archive.